Monday, 30 November 2009
My main inspirations for this magazine and especially my main article that I am doing now have came from I used this website mainly for the development of my contents page. I also used for some extra inspirations for my front cover and to adapt my contents.
I am doing preparations for my main article. I am thinking of using this photo for my main article, it is a good medium long shot, unlike most photos it is not in a normal pose but more like they are just walking past, it is more natural and I can use it for my story. However I am not sure as it is a bit blurred and out of focus so it all depends how it will look in my article.
Wednesday, 25 November 2009
Monday, 23 November 2009
I was thinking of using this picture for my front cover however it is too much of a pose, unlike the picture I used for my cover it just does not seem to work, the light that shines on my forehead makes it look very strange and not good for my cover. I also found out that when I cut it out it was too big for my front so when I reduced the size the resolution was completely wrong and the picture was too blurred
I was also thinking of using this photo however the light on my models face made his face look deformed and if I had of used it It would have been completely out of focus on that side. His face is also to happy/loving and we look to weird on this one. I t could have been used for my contents but I feel it just does not look right
This picture would have been used for my front cover exept my model did not realise it was taking the picture and so his face is completely wrong and it would just have looked weird, although my natural pose on this made it seem a good contender had his face had of been more natural I probably would have used it
This is another picture that I used on my contents page, it is a medium close up, I cropped down the photo and removed the background, when I took out the background I also cropped down my models hair inorder to give him a different look, he is meant to be a producer so this pose really made it look real, his ambitious and authority looking pose makes it all the better.
This picture I used for my contents page, it is a medium long shot, I first cropped down the picture so it would be easier to get rid of the background, then I used the 'background eraser tool' to remove the background so it could go on my contents. I chose this because eventhough one model is holding a stick it still manages to look effective as he is pointing it and looking directly at the camera/audience. It does not really look like they are posing it looks more natural unlike some of my photos.
This is the picture I used for my front cover, it is a medium long shot, although the resolution on this one does not look right I first removed the background using the 'remove the background' tool, next I went onto the picture features and made the resolution more able to fit the background of my cover. I had to make sure the size would fit the page without looking completely out of focus otherwise it would have completely ruined my magazine.
Wednesday, 18 November 2009
This is my final copy of my contents page for my music magazine. I had inspiration from various contents pages but mainly from the Kerrang contents pages, with the title at the top left it allowed for a little quote at the top right to make it more authentic. All of the articles are down the left hand side with a small description of what they are about. The title, Contents, has been made to look bolder and I modified it so that their was an inner glow in it in order to make it stand out. The pictures are down the right hand side, the picture at the top is off my main band The Heartbreaks in order to show off just how popular they really are to the readers, it is a medium long shot as it is just below their waist, even though the model to the right is holding a stick it just seemed to fit although I had doubts it just seems to work with the page. The picture below is not linked to the article like the first but it is an article, the picture is their to accompany the article and show off the new producer so they all know what he looks like. I have added the website to the top left just under the 'contents', it is their to get people onto the website, I put it on the contents as it shows that their are more stories on the website then in the magazine. Like most magazine contents pages I chose a regular white background as their is no need for a colourfull one, it fits the conventions.
This is my final copy of my Front Cover of my music magazine. It took a while to find a version that I not only liked but also matched the specifics of a normal rock magazine. The colours on this took a little while to find the right balance as not many seemed to fit the background. The background itself was changed in order to make it look better instead of a regular and boring white background, it looks more like they are on stage then just posing for the camera in front of a background. I often changed the background to find ones that worked, I also kept checking other fonts to see if they made it look better and more authentic however my original font from before looked just fine. I added the date, issue number and price to it although I left out the website as I planned that to go on the contents page. I have used well known bands in my articles, this is not only interesting stories but because they are well known they will attract readers and increase popularity of the magazine and it looks quite effective and authentic. I moved my models so that one of their heads (the tallest one) is covering the name of the magazine, just like the conventions of a normal magazine. The bulk of the writing/articles are on the bottom in order to show of the models so that the reader can see who they are looking at. At the bottom there is the free item that comes with a magazine, in this one it is a free poster of Linkin Park, the free gifts are usually either posters or a CD. For the price of the magazine, £2.50, I used my market research/questionnaire results to find the most fair resulting price, the price is mid-way between what I researched as the most expensive magazine and the cheapest. This Front cover has a bold title that stands out, the models are almost in the middle however are slightly to the left which if you look carefully is acctually a convention of a magazine. I also have a very small convention that many do not notice, the bar code.
Monday, 16 November 2009
So far I have today, changed the background on my front page, it went from a plain white background with the models behind the title to me moving the models so they were in front of the title and the background was changed to a lighting effect background with red lights shining as if they were on stage, I also added the number of the issue. On my contents page I fiddled with the positions of the featured articles and found that if I reduced them in size I could make it look better and I would have more room to add more articles, so I added three more featured articles. I have also put on a picture of my main band at the top right to show them off a bit more and I have added a model picture below them, this picture leads to an article about the picture. I may tweak the pictures slightly as they do not seem to be exactly perfect however I will also soon start on my main article but keep looking back to the front page and contents just to make sure they work.
Wednesday, 11 November 2009
Monday, 9 November 2009
This is the second, improved draft of my contents page. The inspiration was taken from a kerrang contents page, it is a great design and perfect for mine. There are 3 main fonts in my contents page, in order to keep with the convention of other magazines, it keeps things simple and easy to read. All the stories are down the left hand side making it easier for them to find, with the pictures on the right hand side, each picture is a representation of the articles. At the top right hand corner is a quote from 'Bart McCracken' from 'The Used', this shows us a little bit of an interview and what is in the magazine. The picture at the bottom may or may not go, however there is work that needs to be done on it as it does not look right, the shot of the model is a medium close up shot. Putting the photos of the 'superstars' on the right hand side will attract the reader onto the page and if the picture is attractive enough it will attract the reader to the page that that person is on, meaning they will read the stories with more interest and wanting to read the article means they will buy the magazine. Each main title is made to stand out by it being made bright yellow with an outer glow, and to make it stand out more it has a black rectangle around it, this also makes it look more professional and stand out.
Wednesday, 4 November 2009
This article is on 'Florence and The Machine'. This comes from the popular music magazine Mojo. They call their main articles on new and popular music bands ' Mojo Rising' which looks at new bands coming into the music scene. The picture for this, like on my other reviewed article, is at the top of the page, it is a close up shot of 'Florence', however she is not looking into the camera like the others, she looks away from it, as if she is staring into space or day dreaming, possible of things to come. Their is a little caption, about the band, at the top right hand corner of the page giving a little extra information. Their is the bold title in the middle of the page, sepperating the picture from the article itself, it is white with a red background inorder to add more colour to the page and draw in the reader, the name for this sort of article 'Mojo Rising' is jsut above this hidden in the dark, black background around 'Florence'. The writting has a red circle with a yellow quote in it, to again give more information for the reader. Their is a small bit at the bottom right with the title 'More Mojo' this shows you what is going to be on the next page with a small picture of the next page. The colour scheme uses White, Yellow and Red on this page with only one font.
This is a samller then my article but it still shows how an article can be set out in a magzine. This is from kerrang, a very popular music magazine, this article is on green days newest album '21st CenturyBreakdown'. The medium long shot of the band at the top of the page is a common convention of articles form this specific magazine, with the band standing in a common relaxed pose staring straight at the camera as if they are looking direct at the reader. The bold white title is in the direct centre inorder to catch the readers eye, the word 'EXCLUSIVE' give the point to the reader that this is one and only, hard to get and is very important to read as you wont get another chance till it comes out. All the text is in a small print inorder to fit it all in at the bottom of the article, like all articles the frist few words are all in capitals onroder to start of by drawing the reader to them and hold the reader in. A picture of the bands album is part of the picture, just infront of the band to show you what it looks like.
This is from the well known magazine 'NME'. NME is a popular british magazine for all types of people but maily for ages 14-25. The same genre applies with the articles down the right hand side of the contents, with bold titles pointing out what each bit is about. Down the right is a list of all the bands in the magazine with the page that they are each on. At the bottom their is the chance to subscribe to the magazine, giving all the details how. This only uses Three basic colours, Black, Red and White, with yellow for the subscription part of the magazine. The main article takes up the most room on the page with a large picture that shows what the story is about and the page number that it is on, it also has a very large title showing that it is more important than the other magazines and is in a much bolder font. The title for it is not like others, instead of 'contents' it says 'NME THIS WEEK' which moves away from the regular genre of magazines. All of the articles and text is all surrounding the main articles picture as if it towers over them. All the writing in this is written in the same font as that of the main title, just different sizes and colours. Another little hidden feature is the date of the magazine just underneath the name in the top right of the page.
This is my main inspiration for my contents page. It comes from Kerrang, with the title 'contents' just hidden in the top right, with all the stories going down below it. The conventions of most magazines of this genre is to have the front cover of the magazine on the page somewhere such as on this one with it in the top left. The pictures of the bands/artists are all on the left hand side, these each with their page number and a small description are the main stories for the magazine. This only uses 3 basic colours, White, Black and Yellow to keep it simple. Another little hidden secret is the chance at the bottom right to apply for the magazine so that it is delivered to your door, subscribe to the magazine.
Monday, 2 November 2009
Monday, 19 October 2009
My magazine is meant for mainly a male audience between the ages of 13-30 as at these ages they are more proned to listen to this music, even older men in their 20's listen to alot of rock music so it seemed like the perfect age range. My magazines Feature article is on my new band 'The Heartbreakers' and their sudden rise to fame, for the article I am going to do reasearch on other magazine articles.
This was the first idea for my contents page. It is crude and not very good, however the bold title and flames together are a good effect it is not within the usual conventions of a magazine contents page. The stories down the side however are a good way of making it, but the writing on this one is hard to read and the layout means their will be too much spare room left.
This is the front cover for the Mojo magazine. The title is big and bold to attract the reader, there are 2 main colours used in this and they are white and a darkish red these are plain and simple. The picture in the centre is typically infront of the title and is looking at the audience, this is typical of a magazine for the model to look directly at the audience/reader, It is a medium close up shot. Another easy yet often forgotten convention is the bar code at the bottom of the magazine and the free item, the CD. The Bold main story accross the centre of the magazine with a little bit of explanation or extra added onto it are also a typical convention.
This is the front cover of the music magazine Kerrang. The colours used around the magazine attract the audience however the main 3 seen to be Black, white and red. On this magazine their is the steriotipical male colour of black and a dark red. The white background allows the band in the centre to stand out, the picture of them is a medium close up shot. The bars across the top and bottom with information about the magazine ect in them are particular conventions of this magazine. Another typical thing to look for is that the picture of the band goes over the title, not completely but just across a small part of it. There is a bold black title with the minor subtitle of 'Life is Loud' to attract the reader in to this magazine.
Wednesday, 14 October 2009
1.what type of magazine do you tend to buy?
· Rock
· Country
· Pop
· R’n’B
· Other
· …………………………………………………..
2 how much would you pay for a magazine?
· £1-2
· £2-2.50
· £2.50-3
· £3-4
3 how often do you buy a music magazine?
· Once a week
· Once a month
· Once a year
· Never
4 what attracts you to buy a magazine?
· Colour
· Design
· Prize
· Stories
· Other
5. What music do you tend to listen to?
· Rock
· Pop
· Country
· R’n’B
· Other
6 who is your favourite band/Artist?
1.what type of magazine do you tend to buy?
· Rock
· Country
· Pop
· R’n’B
· Other
· …………………………………………………..
2 how much would you pay for a magazine?
· £1-2
· £2-2.50
· £2.50-3
· £3-4
3 how often do you buy a music magazine?
· Once a week
· Once a month
· Once a year
· Never
4 what attracts you to buy a magazine?
· Colour
· Design
· Prize
· Stories
· Other
5. What music do you tend to listen to?
· Rock
· Pop
· Country
· R’n’B
· Other
6 who is your favourite band/Artist?
7 what kind of stories catch your attention if you were looking at a front cover?
8 when looking at a magazine do you tend to look for extras that come with a magazine? (If so specify)
This is my first draft for my Rock magazine. It has a good colour scheme howver it is against most common genres of a rock magazine. It has the main conventions of a magazine with the same few colours and the layout of the titles/stories. I need the picture of the band in the centre and am going to use the red at the top as a light onto the band as if they are on stage. The title has a good look to it and makes it feel like a music magazine.
I am now working on my magazine, it is a rock magazine containing stories from around the rock
scene. Including Nickelback ect, I have also created a new band for my main story, they are called 'The Heartbreakers'. It has a good colour scheme and bold titles which you will see when I put up my first draft.
scene. Including Nickelback ect, I have also created a new band for my main story, they are called 'The Heartbreakers'. It has a good colour scheme and bold titles which you will see when I put up my first draft.
Wednesday, 30 September 2009
My magazine has came out as good as I could have made it. I used the ability of all of the tools on photoshop to create the effects. The colours were picked as they suited the style, the reds were calming and blead well with the other colours. All my images were cropped and slightly altered to make them look more affective, there are still a few more picks to be added many of which however were not used in the final designs.
This was my first design. It was a basic model front cover for my magazine and used basic blue and white colours, the name of the magazine and style of it has never really changed as it was the best and more effective. The stories on the front are the same as those on my final design however the names of them are different on some. The layout at the start was ok however it was not appropriate for a magazine cover and was taking up too much unneccacery space
Monday, 28 September 2009
This is my Contents Page. I used a bright red for the top of the page to outline the 'Contents' it also has a lovely effect on the page. I have added the photos I showed before to it inorder to show part of what they are about and to draw people more into the stories. Each story comes with a small caption on what it is about just like what you would see in a real magazine contents page however they cram everything in, mine is more spread out as there are fewer stories as it is only a school magazine. It is in a 'small fonts' font style as it looks more stylish and more like a magazine should
This is my Front cover. It has the background that ii showed before only cropped so that it fits better and shows of the construction more then the surrounding buildings. It is Called the 'Heworth Herald' as its a good snappy name and the font and style of the title can attract the reader. There are the side stories that I mentioned, they are used in only two colours for the stories, Red and Yellow, these are bright and make it seem very bright and attractive. The main story 'Renevations Underway' is at the bottom as it showes it off with its bold brash writing, it is also at the bottom and on the grass with a load of space around it showing that it is the main story. I have all other such items needed aswell with the barcode, the price and the Heworth grange Website Address.
This is one of our many pictures. I used it as the front cover for my magazine, as it is relevant to my main story about the school renevations. It has been cropped however so that it would look better on the cover, so ii removed a bit from the sides and from the top and bottom as u shall see in my final design
Wednesday, 16 September 2009
School magazine
I have created a basic outline for our magazine, although it is crude it still has the main title and website aswell as the heworth logo and some info on the stories inside
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