Monday, 19 October 2009

My magazine is meant for mainly a male audience between the ages of 13-30 as at these ages they are more proned to listen to this music, even older men in their 20's listen to alot of rock music so it seemed like the perfect age range. My magazines Feature article is on my new band 'The Heartbreakers' and their sudden rise to fame, for the article I am going to do reasearch on other magazine articles.

This was the first idea for my contents page. It is crude and not very good, however the bold title and flames together are a good effect it is not within the usual conventions of a magazine contents page. The stories down the side however are a good way of making it, but the writing on this one is hard to read and the layout means their will be too much spare room left.
This is the front cover for the Mojo magazine. The title is big and bold to attract the reader, there are 2 main colours used in this and they are white and a darkish red these are plain and simple. The picture in the centre is typically infront of the title and is looking at the audience, this is typical of a magazine for the model to look directly at the audience/reader, It is a medium close up shot. Another easy yet often forgotten convention is the bar code at the bottom of the magazine and the free item, the CD. The Bold main story accross the centre of the magazine with a little bit of explanation or extra added onto it are also a typical convention.

This is the front cover of the music magazine Kerrang. The colours used around the magazine attract the audience however the main 3 seen to be Black, white and red. On this magazine their is the steriotipical male colour of black and a dark red. The white background allows the band in the centre to stand out, the picture of them is a medium close up shot. The bars across the top and bottom with information about the magazine ect in them are particular conventions of this magazine. Another typical thing to look for is that the picture of the band goes over the title, not completely but just across a small part of it. There is a bold black title with the minor subtitle of 'Life is Loud' to attract the reader in to this magazine.

Wednesday, 14 October 2009

This is a pie chart that shows what type of music magazine people tend to buy

This is one showing me what attracts people to a magazine

This is one showing how much people pay for magazines

This is a pie chart showing me how often people buy magazines


1.what type of magazine do you tend to buy?
· Rock
· Country
· Pop
· R’n’B
· Other
· …………………………………………………..
2 how much would you pay for a magazine?
· £1-2
· £2-2.50
· £2.50-3
· £3-4
3 how often do you buy a music magazine?
· Once a week
· Once a month
· Once a year
· Never
4 what attracts you to buy a magazine?
· Colour
· Design
· Prize
· Stories
· Other
5. What music do you tend to listen to?
· Rock
· Pop
· Country
· R’n’B
· Other
6 who is your favourite band/Artist?
7 what kind of stories catch your attention if you were looking at a front cover?
8 when looking at a magazine do you tend to look for extras that come with a magazine? (If so specify)

This is my first draft for my Rock magazine. It has a good colour scheme howver it is against most common genres of a rock magazine. It has the main conventions of a magazine with the same few colours and the layout of the titles/stories. I need the picture of the band in the centre and am going to use the red at the top as a light onto the band as if they are on stage. The title has a good look to it and makes it feel like a music magazine.

I am now working on my magazine, it is a rock magazine containing stories from around the rock
scene. Including Nickelback ect, I have also created a new band for my main story, they are called 'The Heartbreakers'. It has a good colour scheme and bold titles which you will see when I put up my first draft.